What is Cumbrae Community Council for?
The Community Council is here for you. To listen to your views about key issues affecting the island and to make sure they are heard.
What is the governance structure?
Community Councils are Scotland’s most local tier of statutory representation (ie their purpose is set out in law). Members of the Community Council are democratically elected by those who live on the island.
Community Councils form an important connection between communities and the local council (as well as other public bodies) by sharing views and needs. In North Ayrshire, Community Councils also act as formal members of Locality Planning Partnerships.
How does Cumbrae Community Council operate?
We have monthly public meetings, usually on a Thursday. We will hold a minimum of 7 meetings a year. An Annual General Meeting will be held in November. Draft minutes will be circulated within 14 days, formally approved at the next regular meeting. We will publish minutes here.
We will give at least 7 days’ notice of regular meetings and 10 days’ notice for special meetings.
Our quorum (minimum number for making a decision) is 3 members of the Community Council.
Who is on the Community Council?
Chair – Alex Harvie: Marketing and communications specialist.
Vice Chair – John McHenery: Environmental consultant, semi-retired.
Secretary – Keith Hammond: Retired philosophy teacher.
Member – Duncan Fraser: FSC skipper.
Member – Angus Campbell. Electricity Network Manager (Retired) and Chair of Cumbrae Ferry Committee
Member – Kari Lundie. Supply chain manager.
Advisor – Graham Wallace: Former Chair of CCC.
Advisor – Gregor Harvie: Artist.
How did the community respond to COVID?
The Millport Support Group was set up during COVID to bring together Cumbrae Community Council, the churches, Cumbrae Forum, Cumbrae Community Resilience Team and Youth Leaders in a coordinated volunteer response to the pandemic. This included offers of support and delivery of food supplies.
The Millport Support Group created a community newsletter called Croc Talk which they deliver across the island.