Local Place Plan - presentation

Local Place Plan - draft policies

From 10-11am on Sat 5 October at the DA Hall we’ll share what islanders want for the future of Cumbrae.

We put out a detailed survey for Cumbrae's Local Place Plan in April and over 545 people responded – thank you!

A Local Place Plan is a democratically-created document setting out how the community wants to influence planning policy. It focuses on land use and how this impacts the environment, landscape and biodiversity; the economy; transport; health and wellbeing and so on. Our Local Place Plan will help us agree our priorities as a community and influence planning policies adopted by North Ayrshire Council.

At the meeting we'll cover:
  • Summarised findings from the survey.
  • Draft policies for the Local Place Plan that reflect the survey findings.
  • A map showing possible future land use zones that reflects the survey findings.
  • Information about what happens next.
Please come along and let us know what you think so we can feed your ideas into the final Plan.

18 September 2024