Extra £21 million approved for flood protection scheme

Additional funding was approved for the Millport Coastal Flood Protection Scheme at a meeting of the Cabinet of North Ayrshire Council on Tuesday 1 November 2022.

A report was submitted by the Executive Director (Place) on the latest position regarding the award of contract for the construction of scheme. This stated that more than 600 properties have been identified as being at risk of flooding, and potential flood damages are estimated to be more than £77m.

A pre-qualification process for tenders from contractors for construction of the scheme was undertaken in 2021. This resulted in a tender list of five contractors. Tenders were issued in April 2022 to all five contractors, but two declined to bid. Three tenders were returned at the end of June 2022 and a tender evaluation process began. This process is ongoing.

During the process it became clear that the existing budget of £27m was not sufficient for the construction of the scheme, and that there was a shortfall of £21m. The Scottish Government confirmed they will commit an additional £17m. The report recommended therefore that Cabinet approve an additional contribution by North Ayrshire Council of approximately £4m. This funding was approved.

Based on an anticipated award of contract in November 2022, work is expected to begin on site in February and continue until summer 2024. The offshore breakwaters will be constructed in Autumn and Winter 2023.

Following award of the contract an update will be provided to the community about the exact timing of the works. The community will also have the opportunity to find out how the works will be carried out and the impact they will have.

5 November 2022